
Cima del Lago

188 octets supprimés, 4 octobre 2021 à 21:15
Exit is on the Slovenia-Italy border (Slovenian territory inside Triglav National Park). The usual left line into Italy is legal and nice.
1100m 1120m total alti.
A much harder and committing right line into Slovenia (over a low saddle), landing in Log pod Mangartom, would be inside the Park (so technically illegal). 1400m total alti, if you make it...
|120m129m|30m33m|Approximate from memory - check before jumping!
|130m140m|40m36m|Approximate from memory - check before jumping!
|170m180m|70m59m|Approximate from memory - check before jumping!
|250m393m|200m261m|Approximate from memory - check before jumping!